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Thursday, October 05, 2006


The crop circle above was discovered in 1996, across what many astronomers today believe to be an ancient, yet precise clock of the moon, sun and stars: Stonehenge. Coincidently, it appeared within the very same year that the now infamous STS-75 "tether incident" occurred in.

The circles were created with extreme precision, as was the entire geometrical illustration in it's entirety. 151 perfect circles that morph into nothingness, and a faultless spiraling progression that was measured to span approx. 115 metres in length - a colossal, enigmatic masterpiece that would've likely taken days to just lay out & design, according to professional surverying engineers.

And yet... it appeared in broad daylight amidst an oblivious farmer's crop field, just 2-3 hundred feet from one of the most notable & celebrated of tourist attractions in the world. Shit... we must've at least gotten a few eyewitness testimony reports from those spectating tourists who flock and photograph the monument every 2 minutes, and drive past it every second...

But we didn't. Weird, eh? Still think that a pair of clever, attention-starved money profiteers were the culprits who trespassed private property in daylight, carrying a set of heavy wooden planks and rope on their shoulders, next to a legendary tourist attraction w/ more static traffic than Paris Hilton's tainted cunt... without a trace?

Notice how the spirals radiate outward from the center, in each of the three pictures. The NASA UFOs were analyzed by David Sereda, and were "freeze framed" in the process. He found that the UFOs actually had 3 "pulsing" phases; and that the first phase was identical to his Galaxy Clock Theory:

And if you haven't yet noticed, the very same spiral is also apparent in the Stonehenge crop-circle, and in many others, too. And what a weird coincidence is it how these spiral(s) also make up the general shapes of galaxies in the universe (spiral galaxies, like our resident Milky Way, are the main types of galaxies found in the universe).

I think we're staring the answer to life's biggest mystery in the eye.


Article from: , but I added some more stuff to make it more informative. The info. I added is not in quotes.

"The ancient Mayan civilization made a prediction that, on December 21, 2012, the world would undergo some mysterious change. Something was going to happen that would in turn change our civilization, value systems and the ways we know humanity forever. What does that mean, though? What did the Mayans see through their spiritual wisdom?"

For starters, the Mayan Calendar is amongst the most accurate of calendars in history, and has marked correctly for the span of thousands of years. It has never errored.

"According to scientists and technologists, something strange is happening behind the scene. The terrestrial and solar polar reversal peaks are coming within three weeks of the day in question: 12/21/12. And at the same instant, innumerable UFOs are scouting our skies on a regular basis and increasing as we approach said day. The earth’s magnetosphere and ionosphere are experiencing strange disturbances. The tectonic plate shifts, underwater volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides and tsunamis are increasing at rates never before seen. The solar flares on the sun are increasing. The temp. on earth was recorded as being the hottest EVER in 2005, and increasing. The number & frequency of typhoons and cyclones have, and are increasiong tenfold as a result. The number of floods and droughts have increased beyond imaginations in the last ten years. Global warming has become an epidemic."

And as if that weren't bad enough; we're headed towards WORLD WAR III, w/ Bush & his "wars" on terrorism.

We're on a road to self-destruction. And yet, we're so caught up in our own problems as humans - in our inflated egos, and in materialism & greed - that we've ultimately forgotten where we stand in the universe - the larger spectrum of life; the fact that humans are bugs, roaming on a tiny rock, in the middle of nowhere.

And these tiny rocks are often subject to extinction. Just as we hose down ant piles in our backyards, or throw away mold-ridden loaves of bread, planets (or rocks w/ bugs on the surfaces, as I like to call them) get fucked with and often cease to exist, at the same frequency.

But nobody ever even takes the time to look up at the stars and moon on a clear night's sky anymore. Nobody cares.

I personally think the Mayans were well aware of it all, and that they knew we'd threaten to end ourselves over a certain period of time, or that we'd be too caught up in ourselves. I think that the current state affairs has something to do with the date in question.

Some however, think it doesn't. Some believe that the change is not at all proportional to the problems we're currently facing.

"Scientists who look beyond conventional science point out that the hyperspace that contain our universe is also showing signs that something strange is happening. The multidimensional time research is showing that a parallel universe may be predicting strange effects.

According to some scientists, it is possible that another Universe is slowly starting to claim a spatial dimension in our physical Universe. It's also possible that we'll face major calamities from of a polar reversal in the sun, that would essentially affect Earth. If that happens, hyperspace must then re-adjust to gravity and electromagnetic force fields to keep the earth and the solar system intact.

The biggest clue to what will happen comes from astrophysicists. There is a big possibility that the simultaneous polar reversal in earth and sun will throw the solar system out of whack. That will cause massive upheaval in the earth. And at that point in time, the extraterrestrials will officially show up and put “cosmic seat belts” around us as they apply the superpower hyperspace to bring the solar system back to what it is today. According to think tanks, this has happened before. The extraterrestrials take care of the earth and the solar system whenever the solar system faces challenges like that."

And there's a definite connection between the ufos and Mayan Calendar:

And there's a TON more crop circles with elements of the Mayan calendar in them. Check this page out:

The question of what exactly it is that'll happen still remains in the air.

We'll just have to wait and see.

For now though, here's a fantastic site with info. on the Mayan civilization and their calendars:


Captured on April 3, 2003.

The photographer makes it clear that the UFO is overshadowing any & every other object in the sky, thus not being a star. This UFO bares similar characteristics to the Derbyshire/Bonsall UFO(S).

Also, check this video out:

Notice how two orbs appear out of nowhere and jet off into space. Pretty amazing.


Recordings of real NASA UFO sightings by astronauts during space missions.


This is quite amazing. It needs no commentary.

You be the judge.


Check this out - three "orbs" spotted on July 4th in Phoenix by Jeff Woolwine:

"Jeff Woolwine ( and his family were watching the skies over Phoenix Arizona on July 4, 2006 when three lights popped into view. What took place next is very strange indeed. Jeff grabbed his video camera and began to film the event. What, at first glance, appears to be perhaps a couple of afterburners from some fighter jets from the Air Force base near Phoenix, is actually a optical illusion. The lights remain equidistant from each other as the object begins to bank slightly to the right, and then begins to pivots on its nose to the left-rear as it continues in a forward direction."

And for those saying that the lights are nothing but flares or helicopters, answer me this: how the fuck is it possible for "flares or helicopters" to rotate & pivot perfectly at a synchronic ratio? Because that's exactly what they're doing - rotating at an angle... and doing so perfectly. I think it's illogical to assume that "flares" or "helicopters" were the objects in question.

And if they really were flares, they must have minds of their own!


The very same UFO seen in the NASA footage, in the Derbyshire/Bonsall clips, by Bambi in England, and in Israel, was seen again in Melborne, Australia:

Again, notice the similarites in structure as the other ones I mentioned above. Here's the personal testimony from a friend who knew the dude who shot the video:

"Melbourne UFO was taken in Ardeer 1999. It dove down to the person shooting the video. It was huge (3 Russian Antonov planes, at least)! They just came home midnight from a wedding then all lights outside were on. He checked to see what was going on then saw this disc in the sky that was flashing white light that makes his house like daytime. He was still holding the camera coz they just came from a wedding party. Upon videotaping the disc for few minutes, it went down above his head that made him duck for cover. He just heard his camera went "click"(flat). Anyway, he's not interested whatever it is and he's not abducted. He just want his original tape to be return by a known ufologist, and he knows who he is."


Buzz Aldrin talks about the UFO which the Apollo 11 crew saw on their way to the moon. He explains why they didn't describe it explicitly ... all » to Houston: "...those transmissions would be heard by all sorts of people and who knows what somebody would've demanded - we turn back because of aliens, or whatever the reason is."

Dr David Baker, senior Apollo scientist: "The possibility that you might encounter aliens in space has to be considered in a very sensible and positive and realistic way; there were a lot of people within the program who went off later and became convinced that UFOs existed."

He describes it similarly to how the now infamous UFO hacker, Gary McKinnon, did.


"I was standing in a crop circle and noticed a diamond-glistening object slowly coming out from a tree into the field towards me. I filmed it as it headed in my direction. Then filmed another." - Kerry McKenna

I've always thought that the REAL, genuine crop circles were infact the creations of the orbs we often see in the skies.

Could this be evidence?


A very similar ufo is seen in this clip:

Many believed these ufos being rocket trails. Here's why:

"Various tests are conducted in the upper atmosphere utilizing rockets and missiles launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The spectacular displays left in the evening sky can sometimes be seen from all over the Southwestern United States These photos were taken from the Santa Monica Mountains about 80 miles away. The one on the left shows a stage separation and exhaust plume. The one on the right shows the prismatic cloud of exhaust scattering sunlight that is still reaching it in the upper atmosphere."

ET or not, the footage is fucking incredible.


Was it a bird...? a helicopter...? or an orb?


This incredible video shows strange lights over Taiwan. It was taken in 1990 by a family and was broadcast on a Taiwan News broadcast shortly after. Notice the formation changes.
