Here is the basic rundown of "UFO" pictures and alienesque figures in the art-work of Earth's history. There are a few dozen more prominent pictures, but this is a rundown of the best, as well as those that have been proven to be hoaxes. This catagory only includes "UFO" depictions in artwork, from early BC, to early AD, and not modern day UFO photographs.
ALL of the information comes from a terrific site called: Please view with an open mind, but also a scrutinizing mind that explores all of possibilities.
These two images are from France: the cave of Pech Merle near Le Cabrerets c.17,000 - 15,000 BC. The scene depicts a landscape full of wildlife together with a number of saucer shaped objects. The objects seem totally out of context.
This cave painting is c.10,000 BC and is from Val Camonica, Italy. It appears to depict two beings in protective suits, holding strange implements.
Images c.6000 BC from Tassili, Sahara Desert, North Africa. They don't look human, do they? Also notice the disk in the sky.
This strange suited figure was found in Kiev. I believe it's dated to 4,000 BC or so.
More strange looking figures, this time from Sego Canyon, Utah. Estimated up to 5,500 BC.
These are illustrations from a book by Lt. Grey: Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia 1837, 1838, & 1839." He led an expedition in the 19th century to some caves near the Glenelg River region of Kimberley, Northern Australia where he came across a series of cave paintings. The beings are called the Wandjina by the Aboriginies who painted them.
More examples of Wandjina. These are images from Kimberley, Australia. Possibly 5,000 years old. Some believe they represent ET beings.
The above photo represents a number of reptilian entities found in Iraq. They are dated at 5000-4500 BC
This artwork is alledgedly from the buddhist Dharamsala temple in Himachal Pradesh, India. This is where the Dalai Lama lives in exile. You can just make out six silvery saucer shaped objects.
This image of a crusader dates from a 12th century manuscript Annales Laurissenses (volumes/books about historical and religion events) and refer to a UFO sighting in the year 776, during the siege on Sigiburg castle, France. The Saxons besieged and surrounded the French people. They were fighting when suddenly, a group of discs (flaming shields) appeared hovering over the top of the church. It appeared to the Saxons that the French were protected by these objects and the Saxons fled.
The first picture shows a fresco entitled The Crucifixion and was painted in 1350. Two objects with figures inside can be seen in the top left and top right of the fresco. Two enlargements of these objects are shown below. The fresco is located above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo, Yugoslavia.
The above painting is by Paolo Uccello (1396-1475) and is entitled La Tebaide (painted c.1460-1465). The blown up picture on the right shows a red saucer shaped UFO seen near Jesus. It hangs in the Academy of Florence.
The above painting is by Carlo Crivelli (1430-1495) and is called The Annunciation (1486). It hangs in the National Gallery, London. A disk shaped object is shining a pencil beam of light down onto the crown of Mary's head.
The above is a painting on wood drawer from furniture kept at the Earls D’Oltremond, Belgium. Moses is receiving the tablets and several objects in the sky are seen near by. Date and artist are unknown.
The above picture depicts Jesus and Mary on what appear to be lenticular clouds. The painting is entitled The Miracle of the Snow, and was painted by Masolino Da Panicale (1383-1440) and hangs at the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, Florence, Italy.
This painting is called The Madonna with Saint Giovannino. It was painted in the 15th century. The Palazzo Vecchio lists the artist as unknown although attributed to the Lippi school. Above Mary's right shoulder is a disk shaped object. Below is a blow up of this section, and a man with his dog can clearly be seen looking up at the object.
This is a 15th century fresco from Kiev. Seems to show Jesus in a rocket type device.
This broadsheet picture by Samuel Coccius illustrates a UFO sighting over Basel, Switzerland in 1566. 'Large black Globes' appeared in the skies. It is held at the Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library.
More wheels! This picture shows a UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany (November 1697). The objects were described as "two glowing wheels."
This image is by flemish artist Aert De Gelder and is entitled "The Baptism of Christ." It was painted in 1710 and hangs in Fitzwilliam Musuem, Cambridge. A disk shaped object is shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus.
Symbology from the ancient Egyptian temple of Seti I.
Appears to be an appache attack chopper and a jet fighter.
The Hoaxes
This painting appears to show a bipedal insectiod entity on an Egyptian wall in the tomb of Ptahhotpe, in Mastabas, North Saqqara. Not all is as it seems though - it is in fact a vase with food offerings. Shown below is another version of the same image from Bonechi's "All of Egypt," an easy-to-get Egyptian guide (Thanks to Cesar Guarde).
Clearly showing a disk shaped UFO. There is also a figure on the disc looking remarkably similar to what we would today call a Grey. It's supposedly housed at a museum in Berlin.
This plate was first shown in a book from the 1970s entitled Sungods in Exile, by Karyl Robin-Evans. The book was actually written by a chap named David Agamon, whose real name was Gamon. He admitted that this was his hoax.
This was claimed by many to have been a cave painting found near Fergana in Uezbekistan, thought to be thousands of years old. Part of it is depicted in Erich Von Daniken's "Chariots of the Gods (Souvenir Press 1973 Hardback)."
Basically, it was a sketch done by a Russian artist for the magazine "Spoutnik" in 1967, for an article concerning astronauts visiting mankind 12,000 yrs ago. Spoutnik was a magazine from the former USSR (in Reader's Digest format). It was published in several languages, including Russian, German, English, French and Italian. For a full picture of the magazine cover, visit the Hoax section of
ALL of the information comes from a terrific site called: Please view with an open mind, but also a scrutinizing mind that explores all of possibilities.
These two images are from France: the cave of Pech Merle near Le Cabrerets c.17,000 - 15,000 BC. The scene depicts a landscape full of wildlife together with a number of saucer shaped objects. The objects seem totally out of context.
This cave painting is c.10,000 BC and is from Val Camonica, Italy. It appears to depict two beings in protective suits, holding strange implements.
Images c.6000 BC from Tassili, Sahara Desert, North Africa. They don't look human, do they? Also notice the disk in the sky.
This strange suited figure was found in Kiev. I believe it's dated to 4,000 BC or so.
More strange looking figures, this time from Sego Canyon, Utah. Estimated up to 5,500 BC.
These are illustrations from a book by Lt. Grey: Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia 1837, 1838, & 1839." He led an expedition in the 19th century to some caves near the Glenelg River region of Kimberley, Northern Australia where he came across a series of cave paintings. The beings are called the Wandjina by the Aboriginies who painted them.
More examples of Wandjina. These are images from Kimberley, Australia. Possibly 5,000 years old. Some believe they represent ET beings.
The above photo represents a number of reptilian entities found in Iraq. They are dated at 5000-4500 BC
This artwork is alledgedly from the buddhist Dharamsala temple in Himachal Pradesh, India. This is where the Dalai Lama lives in exile. You can just make out six silvery saucer shaped objects.
This image of a crusader dates from a 12th century manuscript Annales Laurissenses (volumes/books about historical and religion events) and refer to a UFO sighting in the year 776, during the siege on Sigiburg castle, France. The Saxons besieged and surrounded the French people. They were fighting when suddenly, a group of discs (flaming shields) appeared hovering over the top of the church. It appeared to the Saxons that the French were protected by these objects and the Saxons fled.
The first picture shows a fresco entitled The Crucifixion and was painted in 1350. Two objects with figures inside can be seen in the top left and top right of the fresco. Two enlargements of these objects are shown below. The fresco is located above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo, Yugoslavia.
The above painting is by Paolo Uccello (1396-1475) and is entitled La Tebaide (painted c.1460-1465). The blown up picture on the right shows a red saucer shaped UFO seen near Jesus. It hangs in the Academy of Florence.
The above painting is by Carlo Crivelli (1430-1495) and is called The Annunciation (1486). It hangs in the National Gallery, London. A disk shaped object is shining a pencil beam of light down onto the crown of Mary's head.
The above is a painting on wood drawer from furniture kept at the Earls D’Oltremond, Belgium. Moses is receiving the tablets and several objects in the sky are seen near by. Date and artist are unknown.
The above picture depicts Jesus and Mary on what appear to be lenticular clouds. The painting is entitled The Miracle of the Snow, and was painted by Masolino Da Panicale (1383-1440) and hangs at the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, Florence, Italy.
This painting is called The Madonna with Saint Giovannino. It was painted in the 15th century. The Palazzo Vecchio lists the artist as unknown although attributed to the Lippi school. Above Mary's right shoulder is a disk shaped object. Below is a blow up of this section, and a man with his dog can clearly be seen looking up at the object.
This is a 15th century fresco from Kiev. Seems to show Jesus in a rocket type device.
This broadsheet picture by Samuel Coccius illustrates a UFO sighting over Basel, Switzerland in 1566. 'Large black Globes' appeared in the skies. It is held at the Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library.
More wheels! This picture shows a UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany (November 1697). The objects were described as "two glowing wheels."
This image is by flemish artist Aert De Gelder and is entitled "The Baptism of Christ." It was painted in 1710 and hangs in Fitzwilliam Musuem, Cambridge. A disk shaped object is shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus.
Symbology from the ancient Egyptian temple of Seti I.
Appears to be an appache attack chopper and a jet fighter.
The Hoaxes
This painting appears to show a bipedal insectiod entity on an Egyptian wall in the tomb of Ptahhotpe, in Mastabas, North Saqqara. Not all is as it seems though - it is in fact a vase with food offerings. Shown below is another version of the same image from Bonechi's "All of Egypt," an easy-to-get Egyptian guide (Thanks to Cesar Guarde).
Clearly showing a disk shaped UFO. There is also a figure on the disc looking remarkably similar to what we would today call a Grey. It's supposedly housed at a museum in Berlin.
This plate was first shown in a book from the 1970s entitled Sungods in Exile, by Karyl Robin-Evans. The book was actually written by a chap named David Agamon, whose real name was Gamon. He admitted that this was his hoax.
This was claimed by many to have been a cave painting found near Fergana in Uezbekistan, thought to be thousands of years old. Part of it is depicted in Erich Von Daniken's "Chariots of the Gods (Souvenir Press 1973 Hardback)."
Basically, it was a sketch done by a Russian artist for the magazine "Spoutnik" in 1967, for an article concerning astronauts visiting mankind 12,000 yrs ago. Spoutnik was a magazine from the former USSR (in Reader's Digest format). It was published in several languages, including Russian, German, English, French and Italian. For a full picture of the magazine cover, visit the Hoax section of
I am not trying to "debunk" you. Aliens very well may exist, and probably do. But to look back at ancient artifacts and "see" UFO's is dangerous. Not dangerous because "they" don't want us to know, but dangerous because we have a different set of values and a different language. We are seeing things through our modern eyes, while they were seeing things through their modern eyes. The two modernities are extremely different. We cannot talk about the past in our modern language.
We do not know what these are depicting. Yes, they seem like ufo's and aliens to us. But this may be because that is what we are looking for. We see what we want to see because perception is in the minds eye. It is like using the language of engineering to describe the family structure. All the word lose their meening.
Dans les escaliers du palace Vecchio de Florence , escaliers qui mène au tableau de La Vierge avec saint Jean et son ovni ,on trouve aussi une peinture que l'on néglige et pourtant : il montre la place de Florence assiégée , des tirs entre assaillants et assaillis , et surtout , un objet volant genre montgolfière (qui n'existait pas à l'époque) qui défend la cité en tirant sur les assaillants !!j'ai pris cette peinture anonyme en photo et je peux vous l'envoyer , cela devrait vous intéresser.
Freddy Lahaye-Bruxelles
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