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Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I often hear this statement from many ignorant people on a daily basis; and being the easily annoyed & angered-type, I always feel compelled to correct them.

My rebuttal is always something along the lines of:

Let me guess - you think the object recovered at the Roswell incident was infact a "weather balloon," eh?

Humans grow up being brainwashed by what they read in schoolbooks.... And that's particularly why scientists are generally skeptics; their minds are so tightly closed, because they're arrogant enough to think that if they haven't been taught it at school and/or self-discovered, that it ultimately can't exist. It's a bit like those scientists who once thought that the world was flat and the sun revolved around the Earth. They were eventually proven wrong.

Science will NEVER unconditionally acknowledge the existence of extraterrestrial/extradimensional organisms, so long as they're under government scrutiny. And if they ever did show slight hints of approval, chaos would ensue; religious people (which make up approx. 85% of the total pop.) would be outraged, and great amounts of fear would rattle everyone up when they figure that a more intelligent & powerful alien race, who've mastered space flight, are capable of running shit on earth.

...that's when "deductive reasoning" and "common sense" come into play. You want "evidence?" Here it is:

1) There have been loads, and loads of eye-witness testimony reports compiled throughout the years. There has also been a chockfull of amateur footage captured. Is ALL of that footage authentic? Ofcourse not. But at the same instant however, a small percentage of the ufos caught by these amateurs have also been caught by other amateurs, in other parts of the world, with several different cameras. The infamous white "orbs" have been spotted by people in all countries (especially in Mexico), even here in the US. UFO hobbyist Rich Giordano devotes his free time pointing a video camera up at the Arizona skies in hopes of capturing these ufos... and with luck - he has a pretty extensive archive of all the orbs he's captured (most of which form "complex, geometric patterns and shapes" in the sky before disappearing). To even consider questioning the ufo phenomena at this point is nothing short of insulting, when you think of the effort and time it took for him to compile an actual archive (most people spend their lives trying to capture just ONE... and have no luck at doing so). His archive can be viewed here:

2) From early BC, to early AD; and even now in our present day and age, there have been COUNTLESS amounts of ufo/alienesque depictions through various symbols and hieroglyphic, left behind from a chockfull of ancient civilizations, like the Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, and the Egyptians. This alien symbolism has, and will ALWAYS be a surefire, "scientific" source that ultimately backs up the alien phenomena. It's also part of earth's history. Pictures of some of these depictions can be found on this fantastic site:

3) Over 400 government, military, and scientific officials came forth on May 9, 2001 in a historic national press club conference conducted by Steven M. Greer, in what was known as the "Disclosure Project." The purpose of this conference was to hear & record witness testimony offered by those 400+ top-ranking officials surrounding their personal knowledge/sightings of ufos/aliens. Some officials included Gordon Cooper (retired NASA astronaut), Colonel Philip Corso (high-ranking Army official) and Dr. Robert Wood (retired aerospace engineer). More info. here:

4) There have been hundreds, and hundreds of hours of NASA space footage captured from the space shuttles during various sts shuttle missions, discovered by Martyn Stubbs. "Evidence : The Case For NASA ufos," was a recent dvd/book created by physicist/ufologist David Sereda, and in it he explains by way of physics, how and WHY the objects in the footage are infact intelligent UFOs, and not meteors, satellites, or debris (more info. here The very same "NASA" footage was originally released in a documentary known as "The Smoking Gun," but didn't have a host to explain and talk about the ufos in question, like Sereda does in his movie. The same footage was also aired on TLC's "The best UFO evidence ever captured."

5) The infamous Derbyshire/Bonsall account : This ufo is believed to have been one of those ufos captured in the NASA transmissions, because it's physical characteristics are identical; a hole etched out in the center, a notch carved out near the rim and mysterious "pulsing" effect on it's surface. There is testimony, video(s), and even a few e-mails from dumb skeptics/debunkers throwing out their typically lame explanations (to which they're responded to). You can even see a UK army military helicopter investigating the area where the ufo was spotted at the day after, in one of the clips - surefire evidence indicating government/military involvement.

Now it's YOUR turn to "DEDUCE" from the above shreds and formulate a logical conclusion. And if you fail at doing that, here's a helpful tip: drive to your nearest highway bridge (preferably the highest one in your city)... and jump off:

Our gene pool needs cleaning.


Blogger boldylee said...

good site very imformative

5:42 AM  

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